Merry Christmas “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27) In the United States and in Liberia, "Peace" would probably be the last word to describe 2020. COVID-19 worldwide and elections in our country have not instilled peace as the world understands it. How does the world view peace? The world’s peace is circumstantial. This peace is totally external and can be taken away in a moment of changing circumstances. A diagnosis from your doctor, the loss of a job, a past due bill you can't pay are all circumstantial peace killers. Remove these problems and you are peaceful again--waiting for the next time you are not. But Jesus’ peace in the verse above is altogether different and has nothing to do with circumstances. It passes all understanding (Phil 4:7). Jesus tells us that God is in control and he loves you. He tells us that "...In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) If you are in Liberia and have no food, no job, no tuition money for your child to attend school and no help from the government, peace from this world can be hard to come by. But we are constantly amazed by so many Liberians who have an inner peace that the world can not take away from them. It's a peace that God is with them regardless of circumstances and that, one day, all will be made right. Peace at last, forever. Thank you to all who have prayed and donated to ELWA Ministries Association USA this year and over the years. May God grant you His Peace. Make Christmas Special For These Three Ministries (Final Opportunity to Donate) On December 23rd we will send Moses Gwole (pastor of the International Church of Monrovia), Moses Nyantee (director of ELWA Radio) and Rick Calenberg (President of the ESWA Seminary) the unexpected donations we have raised for their ministries. This is our Christmas gift to our Liberian brothers and sisters who faithfully serve the widows, poor and oppressed in Liberia. We wish that you could see the rejoicing, tears and praise to God on the faces of those we have presented financial gifts to in the past. We can tell you these three men at the church, radio station and seminary will gather their staffs together to pray, rejoice and thank God for your generosity to their ministries. We have seen it many times before. This is our last request for donations for these ministries this year. While we would love to continue until we reach our goals, there are just too many other needs that we need to promote in 2021. So please take this opportunity to make a final year-end donation and let's see what we can do for them this Christmas. See how we are doing below: Construction of the International Church of Monrovia (ICM Church). Fundraising Goal: $45,000 Amount Raised: $12,400 Sponsorships of broadcasts on ELWA Radio. Fundraising Goal: $12,000 Amount Raised: $3,800 Support for new Evangelical Seminary of West Africa (ESWA). Fundraising Goal: $25,000 Amount Raised: $3,600 You can donate by mail to: ELWA Ministries Association USA P.O. Box 1 Warrenville, IL 60555 (Write the ministry you would like to support in the memo line) You can donate online: Click on the "Donate to Evangelism & Discipleship" button below or go to our website-https://www.elwamausa.org/Get-Involved/Donate. In the "Designation" drop-down box, choose the ministry you would like to support. We still need lots of financial help on these three projects! Please consider a year-end donation. New Updated ELWA Ministries Website This month we launched our newly updated website. We also added a recurring monthly donation option (hint hint). Check it out by clicking on the Website link: https://www.elwamausa.org Merry Christmas From Six of Our Kids in Liberia! All six were orphaned at an early age and have now "Aged Out" of the orphanage. They are currently living in a house ELWA Ministries rented for them as they finish high school and begin working. Thank You for your support in 2020!
We know that we are regularly asking for your prayers and financial support for Liberia. We also recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging, to say the least, for so many of us here in the United States. Jobs have been lost, kids and parents are struggling with online classes and many of us have lost love ones. So we understand if you are unable to donate at this time. EMAUSA only shares the needs and passions that we hear about from the dedicated disciples on the ground in Liberia. We pray for their needs and humbly bring them to you. We never know what projects or ministries God will lay on your hearts to support or not to support. But we trust that God is in control and provides at just the right time, for just the right ministries. So we watch with you, pray with you, marvel at the goodness of God and wait to see what He does for the people of Liberia. We are good with that! Comments are closed.
April 2023
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ELWA Ministries Association USA