EMAUSA works with various ministry partners to provide highly nutritious food to thousands of undernourished children and adults. ELWA Ministries is a Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) partner and has shipped millions of healthy meals to the undernourished people of Liberia. EMAUSA is responsible for the shipping costs and the distribution of food. A forty-foot shipping container holds 272,000 meals and costs us $15,000 to ship. ‘During the Covid-19 crisis, EMAUSA also purchased local rice when shipping was not possible. In August 2019, ELWA hospital started a free "Malnutrition Feeding and Medical Management Program" for children under 5 suffering from Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM). Carrying out malnutrition treatment in a hospital setting offers a big advantage in allowing for diagnosis and treatment of the underlying medical conditions and leads to higher survival rates for these children. The new malnutrition program remains one of ELWA hospital’s most successful initiatives, with close to 300 outpatient malnutrition consultations each month plus a busy inpatient feeding unit where children with more serious medical complications are admitted. These conditions include severe malaria, tuberculosis, HIV, typhoid fever and severe anemia. To date, every child admitted into the nutrition program has survived and been discharged having reached a healthy weight! Thanks to EMA-USA, ECOL (Evangelical Churches of Liberia) was able to purchase 665 25 kg. bags of rice which was distributed between April 29 – May 19. 408 households (1,926 dependents) received food aid. Additionally, 155 selected vulnerable people (83 elderly, 72 physically challenged) benefited from the distribution. In total, the food was a blessing to more than 2000 people - a demonstration of the love of God, and a good testimony for the church. We are truly grateful |
April 2023
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ELWA Ministries Association USA